Injury Prevention- Trying to manage existing injuries is time consuming, which results in lost time and lost revenue. Stay ahead of injuries by addressing issues proactively.
A few lost work days from an injury may not seem like much to most people. But the potential and real financial costs associated with lost time and injury claims can be staggering. The National Safety Council estimates that for every $1 spent on direct workers compensation costs, there is $4 to $10 spent on indirect costs. The U. S. Department of Labor claims that workplace injuries cost industry between $13 and $20 million a year.
KYEL Group’s early injury prevention process will help you get a handle on these real problems by preventing or resolving problems and symptoms quickly and without lost work time in most cases. We will set up a clinical setting onsite for you and we are available on a scheduled basis and or on-call basis. You choose.
Our Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention Process is a new concept in creating a workforce that supports employee health and work/home habits. This comprehensive process puts the power in the employer’s hands. You can improve the bottom line by empowering your employees through onsite, personal evaluation, treatment, training and follow-up.
It has been estimated that the “people portion” of the burden rate at most companies represents over 75% of the company’s expenses. Doesn’t it make sense to assure these costs are minimized?
Our comprehensive, hands-on early injury prevention process improves employee health, boosts the quality of work and improves the bottom line. We encourage and enable employees to report aches and pains early so they are more easily treated, preventing full blown injuries, thus saving money.
Our professional staff is available for topical training for your management, supervisory staff, and employees, in addition to professional organizations. Many of the training program components can be used in an a la carte method because all of our programs are custom tailored to the needs of the client. All of our training programs are presented by professionals in the field in a multi media format with anatomical models, pictures and videos to deliver a message that is easy to understand and to incorporate into the daily routine. Contact us with any speaking or training need.
Shoulder Care | Elbow Care | Wrist Care |
Hand Care | Spine Care | Hip Care |
Knee Care | Ankle Care | Foot Care |
Why do we offer a shift strength, balance and flexibility process? Why not just do stretching? Why not use a generic stretching program?
We not only understand the mechanics behind the various strength, balance and flexibility methods, but how they should match what is being performed on the job. We understand the type of strength and movement being utilized and match this with a variety of training methodologies. Beyond this, we understand functional movement patterns and are able to perform screenings of an individual before beginning any strength and flexibility process. Many employers have a dynamic, experienced and aging workforce that is typically out of shape and requires specific progression to assure their safety. Our programs respond and provide for changes to accommodate these deficits. We are also able to provide the programs in a multi media format assuring we cover all learning styles and communicate with continuity.
All of our staff are registered and licensed therapists or trainers who are human body engineers also trained and certified in Functional Movement System™ screenings and interventions. [FMS]
Just as athletes benefit from strengthening, balance and flexibility warm-up activities in their sport, so too companies and their team members will benefit in their occupational duties. It is also important to note that athletes perform these activities throughout their sport activities. As such, people in the workforce should not be limited to “just a warm up” at the beginning of the shift. It should be integrated in the employee to perform this throughout the work day and when successful, they will perform this outside of work also.
The example of athletes being injured and out of a sport affects: The person; the team; and the organization. The same occurs for employees, the team they work with daily and the company as a whole. In the beginning stages of musculoskeletal problems, people feel tightness, soreness, weakness and fatigue. This may result in a slowed ability to work or possibly absenteeism. As this progresses, they feel inflexible, painful, weak and worn out with potential for numbness and poor blood flow to tissues. If injured this will result in costly lost time:
Why wait to get to this stage when you can improve and strengthen the workforce that you have in place now. Prevention is the answer.
Whether you are reacting to a current situation or you are looking ahead to prevent a decline in employee health and performance, we are able to help. In our experience, there is no “one size fits all process” and there is no one program that will do it all. The strengthening, balance, flexibility and functional movement process should seamlessly interlock and improve upon current health, wellness and safety systems. This process is part of a comprehensive prevention strategy designed to improve long term health and safety.
Contact us about any questions you may have and to start your employees on the road to success.
Injury Management Tips and Education Sheets for Employees
Customer service oriented, hands on group that serves the tri state area of SC-GA-NC. When services are requested outside of this area we are flexible enough to accommodate.
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