
Effective Injury Management

Once injury occurs, do you feel like you lose control over the direction a lost time case takes?


  • How much control do you have over the care your injured worker receives?
  • Do you know what questions to ask the medical providers to benefit the injured worker and your company?
  • Do you think the medical providers understand the job requirements to which the injured workers are returning?
  • Do you feel the medical providers understand that there are alternatives to light duty?
  • Do your employees understand how to think through the job duties safely?
  • Do you feel like you are unable to get answers from the medical providers?
  • Do you feel like your employees are unable to receive personalized and effective care?
  • Do you feel like there is excessive or unmanaged amounts of lost time?


Let us manage your injury cases, update your job descriptions and introduce job coaching.  We help you with that hard to return to work employee by constructing a program that transitions that person back to work smoothly and with less cost to you.  Implementing an Injury Management Process immediately reduces indemnity payments and case reserves of a claim.  By lowering claims costs, the loss ratio of the business is lowered, making KYEL Group Inc. clients more attractive to the insurance marketplace.


At some point most employers have had an employee that lingers on medical leave for an extended period.  The longer the employee is out of work, the more time is required for return and the chances of return diminish significantly.  Establishing an injury management process with an operating procedure that facilitates transitional duty has been shown to reduce the direct and indirect costs associated with the recovery process.

Our focus is to progressively increase work specific activity levels in a supervised setting.  The employee regains strength and endurance while improving positional and activity tolerances.  This also allows us to address pain limitations and pain behaviors, which often hinder a complete return to work.

Each employer, employee and injury are different and may require different approaches, but the method by which an employer applies the program to its employees should remain the same.  We provide this process as an integral component of our Musculoskeletal Injury Management Process. Onsite visits are a must to ensure and document the progress of the transition. During these visits we monitor progress, adjust the care plan and look for potential ergonomic risk factors. Job coaching techniques are used to reinforce proper positioning.  Correction of risk factors can also be applied to multiple employees in the work area to create a safe work environment for all. We work closely with your health care providers to ensure the employees are progressed to full work duty. We work closely with the employee and their supervisor to insure they have proper knowledge of injury prevention on the job.

In the event employees need to be sent for rehabilitation, we partner with a large variety of local rehabilitation providers to assure continuity and quality with your employees’ care.

JOB DESCRIPTION (Americans with Disabilities Act Compliant)

Our job analysis process is diverse in its uses and in its results.  We begin with gathering written/pictorial/video data, then analyze/document findings, provide written findings and recommendations, then review with company representatives.  This process is thorough and communicative.

This thorough job analysis process and communication yields much useful information in many areas:

A job analysis can be a basic starting point to provide job coaching to employees to instruct in proper work techniques. This is very useful in the return to work process as well.  A job analysis yields specific information in determining the physical requirements of the job to create a job description that complies with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  A thorough job description documents specific, measurable and descriptive components.  It will assist all providers in understanding what it will take to perform the job safely.

Utilize this job description for:

  • Human Resource Documentation
  • Hiring Process: Post Offer Screening Documentation
  • Assisting Physicians, Therapists, Case Managers, Insurance Carriers in Understanding the Job Tasks
  • Return to Work/Return From Medical Leave Process
  • Transitional Duty Identification
  • Process Improvement Activities that are Vital to Your Business

Available Components of Job Description:

  • Analysis for 8, 10 or 12 Hour Jobs
  • Identifies and Documents Job Title Share Policies
  • DOT Code Classification
  • Job Demographics
  • Physical Demand Classification (PDC)
  • Job Process and Task Documentation
  • Tools, Equipment and Gear Utilized
  • 23 Different Non Material Handling Activities
  • Non Material Handling Physical Demands Classification
  • Physical Demands Classification Metrics
  • Essential and Marginal Job Functions
  • Environmental Conditions Documentation
  • Upper Extremity Use Analysis
  • Lower Extremity Use Analysis
  • Sensory Requirements
  • Lift/Lower/Carry/Push/Pull Analysis
  • Time Study Analysis of Operation
  • Pictorial Documentation Can Be Built Into The Document
  • Video Documentation: Short job task clips available to send electronically
  • Single Page: Lift/Lower/Carry/Push/Pull, Upper and Lower Extremity Use Documentation

“We've used KYEL Group for developing job descriptions that highlight risk areas for each task an employee may complete during their shift. From that we can develop interventions to minimize those risks.”


Chad Webster,

EHS Specialist

“We've used KYEL Group for developing job descriptions that highlight risk areas for each task an employee may complete during their shift. From that we can develop interventions to minimize those risks.”


Chad Webster,

EHS Specialist

Imagine being able to send this information to your company physician, or an employee’s personal physician, and therapists so the medical team is able to make a more informed and expedient decision regarding your valuable employee’s return to work abilities.

This package is finalized in an easy to read document that can be added to your existing job descriptions and medical files.



Coaching is a form of development in which an experienced person, supports a learner or client in achieving a specific goal by providing training and guidance.  There are many reasons people perform activities in a specific way:  They were trained that way; they developed a method based on experience; they watched and developed their method from others.  Whatever the method, there is likely a better way.  Whether you have someone in a return to work (RTW) or stay a work (SAW) situation, job coaching is right for your employees.  This value-added activity can be accomplished one on one, in a clinical setting, during the early injury prevention process and it is most valuable when performed at the worksite with, work equipment, parts and tools.

Our therapists have spent their careers coaching people to achieve their maximal physical abilities or their maximal recovery.  By applying these skills to the ergonomic side of manual and non material handling activities we can help maximize proper body mechanics, proper tool and equipment use and educate on how the body responds to postures, forces and repetition.  We can help!

A worker may be fearful of returning to work for a number of reasons such as fear of re-injury.   A worker may also not correlate what or how they are performing an activity to the aches and pains that have developed.  If they return to the same methodologies, then they should expect the same aches and pains.

Job coaching ensures the worker is using safe work postures/tools to interface with their equipment and work environment. This may involve changes to work flow, work scheduling or breaks to allow for such things as intermittent stretching.  This process creates a positive culture of support and wellness thus improving the likelihood of return to full duties and an improved overall health.


Injury Management Tips and Education Sheets for Employees



Customer service oriented, hands on group that serves the tri state area of SC-GA-NC. When services are requested outside of this area we are flexible enough to accommodate.

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